Now that you know why your turbo is necessary, you’ll want to know what the turbocharger is made of. Turbos are intricate and precise components, but not actually all that complicated or difficult to understand. Here’s a rundown on the parts of a turbocharger, from Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, CO.
Leaky transmissions can be a pain. Not only do they make a mess on the underside of your car, and in your driveway, but the transmission fluid is expensive and inconvenient to deal with. At from Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, CO we want you to be an informed driver so here’s some information about where transmission leaks start, and how to end them.
If your transmission is slipping, what are your options? As you’ve seen, a variety of issues can cause a transmission to slip. Likewise, repairs differ widely depending on the issue. Here are some steps you should take to make sure your repair is as simple and cost-effective as possible.
When driving around town, your vehicle's engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot. In fact, a typical vehicle needs about 216,000 gallons of air for every tank of gas. All that air passes through a filter that catches the dust and dirt. Eventually, the filter gets completely full, and because the filter can only hold so much, dirt starts getting through. At Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, we want to help you get the best air quality in your vehicle, but first, we want to explain the process of where this dirty air is going.
If your transmission isn’t shifting correctly, you’ll want to be careful about how you choose to proceed. The best thing to do is turn the vehicle off and have a professional take a look at it, but if that isn’t an option, there are some steps you can take to ensure nothing gets damaged. At Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, CO we can take a look at your issues and also give you some tips on what to do when that option isn't available yet.
What are radial tires, where do they come from, and why are they important? If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, radial tires are an advancement you’re thankful for, whether you realize it or not. Here’s why, from Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, CO.
Your fuel system is comprised of a variety of parts, each tasked with keeping your engine running strong - Chevy, Ford, and Ram all have small differences, and diesel systems have changed over the years with innovation in the field; however, the fundamentals haven’t changed. At Repair Masters Automotive LLC, our technicians are familiar with the differences between models and generations, but for the intents and purposes here they aren’t necessary to know. Here’s an overview of the major components you’ll find in most diesel fuel systems.
Everyone has different habits when it comes to washing their vehicle. Many people see it as a purely cosmetic thing, so as long as their vehicle is running and driving right they don’t see a point in washing it all that often. In actuality, washing your vehicle is also an important aspect of maintenance and making a vehicle last. Repair Masters Automotive LLC in Boulder & Louisville, CO has some vehicle washing tips for you, to keep your vehicle in shape for years to come.
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